Quantum Engineering
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The Detection of Explosive Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine (RDX) Using Optical Microcavity

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Quantum Engineering is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes research on the engineering of quantum information. It bridges the gap between engineers and scientists, enabling them to take advantage of new quantum breakthroughs.

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Chief Editor, Professor Gui-Lu Long, is based at Tsinghua University, China. His research interests include quantum communication and computing, and optical microcavity.

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Quantum Enhanced Hazardous Substances Surveillance System

Unauthorized access to hazardous substances poses a serious threat to public health. Typically, these substances, such as chemicals, are housed within warehouses or laboratory facilities, making strict control over any unauthorized entry. The control can be achieved through various measures, including access control systems, registration systems, remote inspection and surveillance, and personnel checks. Given its essential significance, the security of surveillance system data transmission plays a critical role. On the one hand, authorized entities must be capable of detecting any malicious data interception, and on the other hand, confidential information must remain safeguarded when an eavesdropper is identified. To address transmission security, we have developed a quantum-communication-based system for transmitting surveillance imagery of the hazardous chemical storage area entrance. This system effectively thwarts eavesdropping and data tampering during transmission, thereby enhancing the security of conventional monitoring systems.

Review Article

A Primer on Underwater Quantum Key Distribution

The growing importance of underwater networks (UNs) in mission-critical activities at sea enforces the need for secure underwater communications (UCs). Classical encryption techniques can be used to achieve secure data exchange in UNs. However, the advent of quantum computing will pose threats to classical cryptography, thus challenging UCs. Currently, underwater cryptosystems mostly adopt symmetric ciphers, which are considered computationally quantum robust but pose the challenge of distributing the secret key upfront. Post-quantum public-key (PQPK) protocols promise to overcome the key distribution problem. The security of PQPK protocols, however, only relies on the assumed computational complexity of some underlying mathematical problems. Moreover, the use of resource-hungry PQPK algorithms in resource-constrained environments such as UNs can require nontrivial hardware/software optimization efforts. An alternative approach is underwater quantum key distribution (QKD), which promises unconditional security built upon the physical principles of quantum mechanics (QM). This tutorial provides a basic introduction to free-space underwater QKD (UQKD). At first, the basic concepts of QKD are presented, based on a fully worked out QKD example. A thorough state-of-the-art analysis of UQKD is carried out. The paper subsequently provides a theoretical analysis of the QKD performance through free-space underwater channels and its dependence on the key optical parameters of the system and seawater. Finally, open challenges, points of strength, and perspectives of UQKD are identified and discussed.

Research Article

Multistream BertGCN for Sentiment Classification Based on Cross-Document Learning

Very recently, the BERT graph convolutional network (BertGCN) model has attracted much attention from researchers due to its good text classification performance. However, just using original documents in the corpus to construct the topology of graphs for GCN-based models may lose some effective information. In this paper, we focus on sentiment classification, an important branch of text classification, and propose the multistream BERT graph convolutional network (MS-BertGCN) for sentiment classification based on cross-document learning. In the proposed method, we first combine the documents in the training set based on within-class similarity. Then, each heterogeneous graph is constructed using a group of combinations of documents for the single-stream BertGCN model. Finally, we construct multistream-BertGCN (MS-BertGCN) based on multiple heterogeneous graphs constructed from different groups of combined documents. The experimental results show that our MS-BertGCN model outperforms state-of-the-art methods on sentiment classification tasks.

Research Article

Continuous-Variable Pairwise Entanglement Based on Optoelectromechanical System

We show how to generate stationary continuous-variable pairwise entanglement between microwave modes in a hybrid optoelectromechanical system, which consists of a single Fabry–Pérot cavity, a parallel-plate capacitor with a moving element as the mechanical resonator, and several pairs of microwave cavities. The optical mode and mechanical resonator are coupled via radiation pressure; meanwhile, several pairs of the microwave mode and mechanical resonator are capacitively coupled. Under an experimentally reachable parameter regime, we show the influence of different key parameters on pairwise entanglement and find that it is also robust against temperature. Our model and results are expected to provide a new perspective on quantum networks with increasingly large scales, quantum internet with multiple local users, and multiport microwave quantum illumination radar.

Research Article

Mid-infrared Spectrally Pure Single-Photon States Generation from 22 Nonlinear Optical Crystals

We theoretically investigate the preparation of pure-state single-photon source from 14 birefringent crystals (CMTC, THI, LiIO3, AAS, HGS, CGA, TAS, AGS, AGSe, GaSe, LIS, LISe, LGS, and LGSe) and 8 periodic poling crystals (LT, LN, KTP, KN, BaTiO3, MgBaF4, PMN-0.38PT, and OP-ZnSe) in a wavelength range from 1224 nm to 11650 nm. The three kinds of group-velocity-matching (GVM) conditions, the phase-matching conditions, the spectral purity, and the Hong-Ou-Mandel interference are calculated for each crystal. This study may provide high-quality single-photon sources for quantum sensing, quantum imaging, and quantum communication applications at the mid-infrared wavelength range.

Research Article

Quantum SoC and On-Chip Circuit Synthesis in the NISQ Era

In recent years, fueled by the breakthroughs in the technology in quantum computation, there has been a rising interest in the noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) era. In addition to a large number of qubits, the study of error correction and quantum algorithms has made great progress. However, as a primary goal of quantum computation, making practicable quantum computers in the NISQ era still needs further study, mainly focusing on quantum computer organization, architecture, and circuit synthesis. This paper studies the quantum circuit synthesis in a small-scale universal quantum computing device called a “quantum system-on-chip” (QSoC). We analyze the quantum compilation of the hybrid architecture for a small-scaled universal quantum computational device with a specific size (quantum chip). Two kinds of on-chip circuit synthesis algorithms are proposed and discussed.

Quantum Engineering
Publishing Collaboration
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Acceptance rate32%
Submission to final decision127 days
Acceptance to publication14 days
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Impact Factor-
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