A section of the Orion Bar region, as seen by JWST.

Our May issue is now available to read!

In the May issue, we present two papers looking at water in protoplanetary disks, two papers studying different aspects of the same magnetar, and a wide range of other research.


  • Sketch of 3D cross-section of a planet with sub-surface water venting into plumes

    Astrobiology is an interdisciplinary subject with the aim to understand the origins, evolution and extent of life in the Universe. This Collection showcases a series of pieces published in Nature Astronomy covering a wide but far from exhaustive spread of topics that are focusing the debate and the effort of researchers in modern astrobiology.

  • Satellite streaks across a Hubble Space Telescope image

    The global climate crisis has prompted the astronomy community in recent years to assess, primarily, the impact of its activities upon climate change, and secondarily, the impact of climate change upon astronomy. Collectively, these articles demonstrate that the research community needs to take rapid action in order to limit the impact on the climate and create a sustainable future for astronomy.

Nature Astronomy is a Transformative Journal; authors can publish using the traditional publishing route OR via immediate gold Open Access.

Our Open Access option complies with funder and institutional requirements.


  • Long-period radio transients emit powerful polarized signals lasting minutes to an hour. The discovery of ASKAP J1935+2148, a source showing diverse emission modes that resemble neutron-star behaviour, challenges existing ideas of these phenomena.

    • M. Caleb
    • E. Lenc
    • B. W. Stappers
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Observation of new lava flows between different Magellan radar scans in regions of Sif Mons and Niobe Planitia confirms that volcanism on Venus is still ongoing. This evidence also suggests the planet’s volcanic activity exceeds previous estimates.

    • Davide Sulcanese
    • Giuseppe Mitri
    • Marco Mastrogiuseppe
  • Simulations show that the competing effects of the solar wind and planetary rotation can explain the structure of planetary aurorae: the former dominates for Earth-type and the latter for Jupiter-type aurorae, with the highly variable aurorae at Saturn representing a transition state.

    • B. Zhang
    • Z. Yao
    • J. G. Lyon

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