Volume 55

Consortium for Study and Analysis of International Law Scholarship: Foreword

by Kathleen Claussen
The study of international law is thriving in many institutions of higher learning, although the discipline faces challenges, especially as international law has encountered renewed contests in practice. Certain of those challenges have emerged recently, but others are reflective of longstanding skepticism through which some in the legal academy and in the public sphere have […]

International Law Publishing Trends: What Journals Print

by Bianca Anderson and Kathleen Claussen
International law stands apart from most areas of law in the proliferation of specialty journals, particularly in U.S. law schools. Little is known, however, about what those journals publish and how their content compares to the content of other law journals. Two works in this symposium offer descriptive overviews of content published by journals related […]

International Law and Political Science: A Retelling

by Elena Chachko
International law and political science are deeply intertwined disciplines. At its core, international law studies the norms and institutions that form the international order. Political science—especially the subfield of international relations—studies the behavior of various stakeholders in relation to those norms and institutions. Both perspectives are essential for making sense of conflict, cooperation, compliance, governance, […]

The World of International & Comparative Law Journals

by Kathleen Claussen
Nearly 600 academic journals across the globe are dedicated to the publication of international and comparative law scholarship. But what is known about them, and about their management? This Essay provides a first glimpse into the world of international and comparative law journals, their features, and trends surrounding their rise and their publishing practices. Drawing […]

Governing With Limited Learning Capacity? The Question of Institutional Learning and Global Governance’s New Legitimacy Challenge

by Ming-Sung Kuo
The rise of international organizations (IOs) as public authorities in global governance has reinvigorated the debate about IOs’ legitimacy. Efforts to address legitimacy concerns raised by IOs’ increased role have drawn on their perceived epistemic strength, suggesting that the rationality and soundness of their responses to governance needs lend them legitimacy. Yet IOs’ recent crisis […]

Abduction and Adoption: Rights to Reparation for Forcibly Displaced Children During Armed Conflict

by Sonia Geba
Since the beginning of hostilities between Russia and Ukraine in February of 2022, reports have identified close to 20,000 children who have been relocated from occupied Ukrainian territory to camps deep within Belarus and the Russian Federation—even to Siberia. On March 17, 2023, the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued arrest warrants for Russian President Vladimir […]